Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hello all!

My name is Cesar and I am starting my fifth year here at San Jose State. I am Design Studies major. College has been an amazing experience for me and has provided me with a lot of really cool opportunities. I am originally from Hayward, which is about a thirty minute drive north. However, ever since I moved to San Jose, I haven't wanted to go back. This place has a lot of culture and life that I don't think I could live without. I've been involved with numerous things on campus. I was an Orientation Leader, an RA, am a member of a fraternity, etc. As fun as my journey here has been, I am ready to wrap it up and embark on something new.

I don't have much experience in Communications classes. The closest thing I have taken is MAS 74 where I learned public speaking. I am open to what I will learn in this class. I'm also taking it to challenge myself, considering the online format is new to me and will require a lot more dedication and attention to detail.

Happy Sunday


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