Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chapter 11 Question 1

I think that it is very easy to get carried away with what the media portrays and what you are made to believe by it. It is also, however, one of the only outlets or sources of information that is really and readily accessible and doesn’t take too much work to learn from. One experience that thoroughly reinforces my world views and values is when I saw a commercial that was against smoking. It featured people who had to suffer through lung cancer in it. It make me realize exactly to what extent/circumstances could exist if someone were to smoke. It reinforced the fact that I already felt strongly about-nobody should smoke. It made me realize that more people needed to be educated about this issue just like I was educated. It challenged my views, however, in that it featured mainly white, older victims. I think that this commercial should have been more inclusive of all the people that it happens to so it doesn’t give any idea that certain people don’t have to worry.

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