Brook Sadler brings up some very good issues in the article “The
Wrongs of Internet Plagiarism: The Quick Arguments.” Sadler says that
plagiarizing could be considered somewhat of a theft. One person is taking
away, or one could even say that they are robbing, somebody else’s intellectual
property. They are stripping them of the hard work that they have made and
claiming it as their own. In “Four Reasons to be Happy About Internet Plagiarism,”
Hunt believes something a bit different. Hunt believes that students should be
able to plagiarize because it will help them pass and be successful in classes.
Sadler has the best argument of these two for a few reasons. Sadler gives
reasons and support as to why it should not happen and even offers possible
solutions. Hunt seems to only state where he stands. I believe that plagiarism
is simply unfair to people who put in a lot of hard work and effort into their
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